Engelse Raadsels.
Dit zijn de raadsels van mij site. Aleen dan vertaald in het engels. Maar er komen ook nieuwe bij die aleen in het engels zijn.
Why are goldfish orange?
Of the water they will rust.
What is a skeleton in the cellar
someone who has won hide
It starts with a K and ends with a T, and a sausage can
Why matches can not get along with each other?
Because they are such hotheads!
It is warm and smells like banana?
monkeys Kots
what do you see when you look deep into the eyes of a dumb blonde
answer: the back of her head
rara what starts with n and ends on Euken
answer: new kitchen
It is brown and crawls up your leg?
A turd with homesickness
What is a fat woman in the elevator ???????????????
a spectacle
Why elephants are always in a round?
Because the middle elephant has a radio.
Why hippos are always in a round?
They want to leave the elephants think they also have a radio.
You know the saying "go to your head" anyway? Well what happens when you walk next to your shoes?
Answer: Your socks are dirty.
A Santa Claus, a fairy, a smart blonde and a dumb blonde walking on the street. They see 20 Euros on the ground. Which of them picked it up?
The dumb blonde of course, because the others do not exist.
what is the advantage of dementia ...............
Answer: you can hide your own Easter eggs hahahaha
What is the similarity between AJAX and NICHOLAS ??
- They both play in red and white
- The majority of the staff is black
- And nobody believed in them yet !!
It is white with black and jumps up and down, what is that ???
........ a Springuin